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ホーム > 原材料について > 丁子



丁子はクローブ・丁香とも呼ばれ、フトモモ科の常緑樹 Syzygiunm aromatica のつぼみを乾燥したものである。




Choji (Clove)

Clove comes from the dried flower buds of the evergreen tree Syzygiunm aromatica, of the family Myrtaceae. As a spice, clove has been famous since ancient times. It is native to the Maluku Islands in Indonesia, and later transferred to eastern African countries. At present, those countries, such as Madagascar and Zanzibar, are the production centers for clove.

When obtained, the fresh flower buds are green and have little fragrance, and in the process of drying, the unique fragrance is awakened by an enzymatic reaction.

Big grains which have the strongest scent are regarded as high grade cloves, and Zanzibar’s are held in the best regard.

Clove is also used to aid digestion and as pain relief for toothache. As a spice, it is often used in meat dishes.